Friday, April 15, 2011

The Cross and Another Day

Sometimes the days race by with heartless fury. This week has been a painful one for many I know. Death and dismemberment, literally, are what I'm helping people deal with directly or indirectly. Still, there are schedules to keep and a calendar with very little margin on it. Everything about the forward roar of the typical day seems to promote expediency. Just find a way to get more done in less time. Draw a straighter line. Get to the point. Get it done. Get over it. Get on with it. Get through it. Get going.

The Cross is too old for this, too slow. It's too quiet and quaint for a smartphone world. One righteous man dying for what again? It can be forgotten even as we make room for it on the calendar. We take time off from school. We attend services. We observe days. The same songs and same sermons remind us that it's that same time of year again.

What happened again and why does it matter? Hurry up and explain it to me so I can get back to work, back on track, back in business.

Is today really just another day? Today might be your last day.

If we take ten more seconds to think about why Christ died and, therefore, remember what matters most, this alone may bring us and our day to life. Don't rush by the Cross today.

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