We saw Rango in the theater on Monday. It's an animated film, well reviewed: perfect family fare we thought. Wrong. First of all, pay attention when you see that a children's film is rated PG instead of G. Don't take your five-year-old to Rango, unless you want her to be repeatedly exposed to some entry-level four-letter words.
I had another problem with the film though. The makers were clearly out to besmirch faith in order to elevate human self-salvation. Why? Clever as the movie was, we left feeling the fresh defeat that humanism consistently delivers to the spirit of all in its hearing. You can be your own savior. Terrible news doesn't get better with computer enhanced animation. I got the feeling that the makers of this film required that John Lennon's "Imagine" be played in repeat mode in the background at all phases of the production. Rango is the perfect Hollywood Christ, complete with crucifixion and resurrection. Cute, smart, good, and "lucky," he is the model for all of us. The bad guys were religious and used religion like all of us do, to hurt and oppress the people, taking all their resources from them. Down with selfish, evil Christians, especially Christian businessmen. Up with self-deified saviors. We're all supposed to be our own Jesus Christ!
Meanwhile, two thousand years ago in Jerusalem, the only real Jesus Christ was crucified. "For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." says Paul in 1st Corinthians. "For the word of the cross and the power of God are foolishness (or worse), but those of us who are perishing shall save ourselves." says Rango.
Interesting, deny myself. I find most of the time I can serve without denying myself of anything. May not be a bad idea for me to fast something all the time (and not just for this season) to help keep this very important verse in mind. Thanks Pastor. It means a little something more today.